Can in-game friendship level-up to something more in real life? The second volume of the award-winning manga that inspired the anime My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999.
After college student Akane was dumped by her boyfriend, she met Yamada, a handsome high school boy and pro gamer, while playing an online RPG. In-game, he brushed her off, but in the real world, Yamada helped Akane escape an embarrassing encounter with her ex.
When Akane’s guild master invites her to an in-person meet-up with other members of their guild – including Yamada – she eagerly accepts. But things get tense when she meets Runa, a player who didn’t want to include Akane – or any new members – in their guild activities.
Meanwhile, Akane’s feelings for Yamada continue to grow but she’s conflicted about her emotions. Could Yamada like her too?
Volume 2 includes Chapters 10-19.
ネットゲームで知り合った他の女に彼氏を取られた女子大生の茜。そのゲーム内で知り合った山田は、ゲーム内ではアフロなのに現実では超イケメンなDKだった!? ゲームでも現実でも無愛想で嫌なやつだと思っていた山田の気遣いや意外な一面に触れていくうちに、山田のことが気になり始める茜。そんな中、茜はギルドマスターでみんなのアイドル的存在の瑠璃姫からオフ会に誘われる。待ち合わせ場所には、山田やギルドメンバーに混じって瑠璃姫にそっくりな美少女が……。しかし、ゲーム内と同じように話しかけた茜に少女は胡乱げな眼差しで一言、「誰この人」と――。茜と山田を巡るリアル×ゲームの日常に新たなイベント勃発!?